Location, location, location! When thinking about marketing your goods and services, it’s not enough to look for attractive online mediums, you need to choose a location where the attention economy is abundant and precise.
In short, don’t advertise where the content takes all of one minute to consume because then the platform won’t have much time to serve your ad!
Skedadle helps brands generate higher conversion rates from hyper-alert users who visit the platform regularly. The app utilizes an innovative marketing method that combines entertainment, promotions, and incentive programs to build a customer base that is more engaged and more likely to click on your ads.
Start a campaign today by visiting https://www.skedadle.com
Providing commuters with a premium service is how Skedadle keeps them coming back for more. The app offers different types of fun games, both new and old-school that are designed for people who are commuting every day. The games offer a fun way to pass the time during long bus or train rides, so it becomes a habit for the users to go into the app for relatively long periods of time.
Moreover, the app displays ads in strategic places all over the game. They are not intrusive nor excessive, and many users report not minding watching the ads because they only get them when they finish the game, or on the sidelines, where they don’t interfere with the visuals of the game.
Skedadle offers a 30-second view time guarantee, which gives you more time to convert users. The ads are also well distributed, and you can fine-tune the parameters of your campaign to effectively capture your niche.
The app is also one of the few consumer engagement platforms that offer users incentives to be on the app and to reach certain milestones. Multiple layers of positive user experience keep them on the app, and all this works toward giving your brand the engagement it needs to boost awareness and, eventually, sales.
“Usually the big tech companies charge brands a fortune to advertise on their platforms. Instead of keeping all that revenue, Skedadle gives back to its users. Here at Skedadle, we use ad revenue to make travel time pay,” a company representative said.
With Skedadle, you have full control of your ad campaign, including your ad budget. The platform allows you to track your progress and stop at any time before you overshoot your campaign’s resources. This platform is designed to make running ads easy for you!
Learn more about this new way to boost brand awareness by visiting https://www.skedadle.com
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